Monday, September 30, 2019

Family Problems

Many Family conditions are seen as factors that increase the likelihood of poverty. Regarding risk factors, Tom Luster and Harriett McAdoo of Michigan State University summed up the findings of 17 eminent researchers in the field in 1994 by noting: â€Å"Over the past 15 years, research on diverse samples of children has shown that children who are exposed to several risk factors simultaneously tend to experience learning or behavioral problems. â€Å"a Poor families are more likely to have multiple risk factors. Jean Brooks-Gunn of Teachers College at Columbia University and her colleagues estimated that in 1995, only 2 percent of poor families had no risk factors, while 35 percent experienced six or more. By contrast, among families that were not poor, 19 percent experienced no risk factors and 5 percent experienced six or more risk factors. b Many of these risks are measures of conditions linked to broken families. The instrument used most widely in social science research to assess risk factors is the â€Å"HOME† measurement, used in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The factors in the HOME scale below can be shown to be associated with the presence or absence of marriage and with Family structure, as noted within the parentheses. References cited in the footnotes for each factor are studies that illustrate the correlation between the risk and Family structure. The HOME assessment factors are: * Low birth weight (most prevalent in out-of-wedlock births). c * Low neonatal health index score (most prevalent in out-of-wedlock births). c * Unemployment of the household head (least likely in a two-parent Family). * Mother has less than a high school education (less likely if parents are married). e * Mother has a verbal comprehension score below the 25th percentile (associated strongly with educational level, which is linked extensively to her parent's Family structure). f * High maternal depression score (less likely if married). g * More than three stressful life events (less likely if married). h * Teenagers at time of child's birth (most unlikely to marry). f * Low social support network (less likely if married and have married parents). i * Father absent at time of interview. Child-to-adult ratio is greater than 2:1 (50 percent less likely if married, since marriage doubles the number of adults). * Simplistic categorical view of child development. * Of ethnic minorityb (two married parents are less likely in African-American and Hispanic households). j Rather than being immutable conditions, many of these risk factors are the result of individual choices, particularly regarding marriage. Restoring marriage among the poor would create home environments that are more likely to reduce these factors significantly. But this will require a coordinated effort by the public, private, and parochial sectors of society. aTom Luster and Harriette Pipes McAdoo, â€Å"Factors Related to the Achievement and Adjustment of Young African American Children,† Child Development, Vol. 65, No. 4 (April 1994), pp. 1080-1094. bJean Brooks-Gunn, Pamel Kato Klevbanov, and Fron-ruey Liaw, â€Å"Learning, Physical and Emotional Environment of the Home in the Context of poverty: The Infant Health and Development Program,† Children& Youth Services Review, Vol. 17, (1995), pp. 251-276. Family Problems Many Family conditions are seen as factors that increase the likelihood of poverty. Regarding risk factors, Tom Luster and Harriett McAdoo of Michigan State University summed up the findings of 17 eminent researchers in the field in 1994 by noting: â€Å"Over the past 15 years, research on diverse samples of children has shown that children who are exposed to several risk factors simultaneously tend to experience learning or behavioral problems. â€Å"a Poor families are more likely to have multiple risk factors. Jean Brooks-Gunn of Teachers College at Columbia University and her colleagues estimated that in 1995, only 2 percent of poor families had no risk factors, while 35 percent experienced six or more. By contrast, among families that were not poor, 19 percent experienced no risk factors and 5 percent experienced six or more risk factors. b Many of these risks are measures of conditions linked to broken families. The instrument used most widely in social science research to assess risk factors is the â€Å"HOME† measurement, used in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY). The factors in the HOME scale below can be shown to be associated with the presence or absence of marriage and with Family structure, as noted within the parentheses. References cited in the footnotes for each factor are studies that illustrate the correlation between the risk and Family structure. The HOME assessment factors are: * Low birth weight (most prevalent in out-of-wedlock births). c * Low neonatal health index score (most prevalent in out-of-wedlock births). c * Unemployment of the household head (least likely in a two-parent Family). * Mother has less than a high school education (less likely if parents are married). e * Mother has a verbal comprehension score below the 25th percentile (associated strongly with educational level, which is linked extensively to her parent's Family structure). f * High maternal depression score (less likely if married). g * More than three stressful life events (less likely if married). h * Teenagers at time of child's birth (most unlikely to marry). f * Low social support network (less likely if married and have married parents). i * Father absent at time of interview. Child-to-adult ratio is greater than 2:1 (50 percent less likely if married, since marriage doubles the number of adults). * Simplistic categorical view of child development. * Of ethnic minorityb (two married parents are less likely in African-American and Hispanic households). j Rather than being immutable conditions, many of these risk factors are the result of individual choices, particularly regarding marriage. Restoring marriage among the poor would create home environments that are more likely to reduce these factors significantly. But this will require a coordinated effort by the public, private, and parochial sectors of society. aTom Luster and Harriette Pipes McAdoo, â€Å"Factors Related to the Achievement and Adjustment of Young African American Children,† Child Development, Vol. 65, No. 4 (April 1994), pp. 1080-1094. bJean Brooks-Gunn, Pamel Kato Klevbanov, and Fron-ruey Liaw, â€Å"Learning, Physical and Emotional Environment of the Home in the Context of poverty: The Infant Health and Development Program,† Children& Youth Services Review, Vol. 17, (1995), pp. 251-276.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The importance of communication in care settings

Communication is not just what you say. It is the tone of voice that you are using and the way you portray how you are feeling, for instance the way that you are standing will indicate how you are feeling towards whoever was with you if you were relaxed and open you would be standing with your head up and arms relaxed. If you were upset or didn't want to talk then you'd be stood there with your head down and arms folded across your chest. Eye contact is important and in the UK the majority of people look at each other for 70% of the conversation whereas in Japan they only look at one another for 50% of the time. Your confidence is shown in your eye contact if you are walking down a street with your head held high and briefly meet others eyes it shows that you are confident in yourself and what you are doing. Only a small part of communication is what you are actually saying this can make it complicated when you are communicating with others as what you are saying will mean perfect sense to you but it may be interpreted to mean something completely different. In most cases the tone of your voice is either taken for granted or perceived unconsciously. The tone of how you say something is 38% of the way that you communicate. 55% is non verbal communication and what you say is only 7%. This shows that awareness of the appropriate tone and good voice control this is important for all care workers. Communication skills are a vital and necessary to have in any care setting. If you have good communication skills you can make sure that you get every thing done as efficiently and effetely as possible. Also when you are dealing with people in a social care environment you will need to make sure that they understand what you are saying or meaning, you have to build a trusting relationship with your clients and make sure that they are at ease, this is because you might be dealing with vulnerable people, the elderly or people with learning difficulties.Sentence and Verbal Communication To meet you client's needs you would help with housing, washing, shopping or with anything else that the individual may need. Some of the elderly clients may be suffering with dementia. This may result in them acting in an unpredictable way. The medical side is different although communication is just as fundamental, as you may have to find something important out quickly to prevent further distress to the patient. When you go and visit you doctor you only have a 10 minute time slot and in them 10 minutes your GP has to find out what is wrong explain and give you treatment. This would not happen if you and your doctor could not communicate properly. Your patients will be aware of your body language so you need to show them that you are comfortable and that you want to hear what they have to say; also you need to show them that what they are saying is important. So eye contact and openness is vital. You don't want to be sat typing away at your computer when your patient arrives as that automatically says you have something more important to do other then greeting them. Also when people are in pain or ill they tend to become emotional and anxious. Then as the health professional it is your job to make sure that you have the situation under control. A GP or any other health professional needs to make sure that they use the correct type of tone this is make sure that the patient feels comfortable a nd valued also by using the appropriate tone you can make yourself sound interested, caring and encouraging. Effective communication is central to a good working practice of all early years' professionals and relationships with children and their families/carers may be impaired without it. Communication involves a successful exchange of information from one person to another. When working with the early years you have to take in to account of their age and their understanding level. You can not expect a child of 3 to understand eye contact or subtle body language. You need to make sure that you are communicating to them on their understanding level not yours. You will also have to compromise for their lack of speech and their unpredictability when they cant communicate with you. So for communication to be successful it needs to meat the needs of both speakers and any breakdown will result in a lack of communication taking place ADD COMMUNICATION CYCLE? Ask Teresa Oral communication would be one of the most important ways of communicating in the social, medical and early years setting, as within these settings you have to build up a trusting professional relationship. That advantage to oral communication is that you can exchange information quickly. The service provider can explain situations and answer any questions that may arise. When speaking with someone you can make sure that whoever you are communicating with understand what you are saying. Also if necessary and appropriate you can comfort if what you are saying is distressing. In a social setting oral communication is vital for a nurse as she not only has to be able to communicate efficiently and for the best of her clients she has to be able to hand over their information correctly to the next shift of nurses if she was to get this wrong it may jeopardise the patient. Also with oral communication you can nominally tell how your clients are feeling if they have a quite tone then it may be that they are depressed, feeling sad or passiveness. If they had a loud or excited tone this could mean that they were fearful, feeling angry or aggressive. Skilled care workers can pick this up and act appropriately. It is an important role of a care worker to be able to understand, relay and gather information not just with the patients but also with her work team. On a typical day a nurse would have to record what medication was given, the amount and the time it was administered she would do this so she could pass it on to other nurses so they are aware of the medication that, the patient has had. Communication can fail if there is a lack of knowledge this could leave the people involved feeling inadequate. Communicating orally in an early year's environment can be demanding and frustrating. You not only have to build up trusting relationship and understanding with the children you also need to do this with their parents/carers and the rest of your team. When communicating with young children they may not always understand what you are saying to them but the can hear your tone of voice and the tone of voice used conveys a message to the child which at times be the wrong message. For example. To ask a child â€Å"what are you doing† may be interpreted by a child as a negative question if the tone of voice is wrong. When you are talking to young children and are asking questions or giving guidance you need to do so in a clear voice and in bite size pieces. Like â€Å"go and get your shoes† not â€Å"go out the hall into the shoe area find your shoes and put them on. Then come back to me† this is because their understanding level is lower then yours and the short term memory only last for 30 seconds and by the time they have left the room they would have forgotten. When talking to parent/carer you need to establish whether they would prefer you to communicate with them in an informal or formal way. This is the register of language. Some parents and most certainly the children will prefer you to great them in an informal way as this may put them at ease. Within a medical setting you need to remember to use the correct type of language (register of language) formal language would be better unless requested from the patient. If a medical receptionist was informal then the patient may think that are being disrespected. As a GP you will communicate aurally most of the time to you patients this mean that the GP has the advantage that the tone of voice can betray how the patient is feeling emotionally and if relevant the GP may be able to help or refer them to another source. This is the GP taking care of his patient's emotional and physical wellbeing. As a GP you will have to work and communicate with people that have different styles of speaking such as ethic groups and people that come from different work and culture settings. Verbal communication for a nurse at A+E is about buliding a relationship quickly with all types of people from all walks of life they have to be calm so she needs to have gained their trust. Also they have to exchange information to one another. Nurses and paramedics use a pain scale asking how bad the pain is from 1 to 10 this is especially good for children as they cant always describe what pain they are in. Written communication in any organised setting is one of the most important factors. This is because of keeping records. Getting the right support for your clients. Without written communication you would not be able to do this. In social care setting it may not be the choice of some of your clients. If you have clients that are profoundly deaf or very hard of hearing it would be more appropriate and polite to send them a letter rather then ringing them. There would be little point of finding out effective way to communicate with a client and then not making an accurate record so that other people can also communicate with that person. The type of things that you would record as a care worker would be what problems your clients have how it affects them both emotionally and physically. What action should be taken by yourself and others. Always add the date and whether you administered medication, and any other day to day things that you do. Most of the written communication will be between you and your colleges on a professional basis. You will mainly communicate with your clients in a more informal way When working in an early year's environment it is important to keep parents well informed. You need to pass information through ways that parents can access. The easiest way to do this is by written communication. This can be in many ways such as news letters once a month with general information in them, home and setting books so that you can keep in contact with the parents that way this is a good way for people that have child care so they know what is going on a daily basis, notice boards so that you can display reminders and notices and displays of the children's work throughout the setting so that the parents can see for them selves that their child is doing constructive things while at the setting When working with early years children it is easier sometimes to use visual pictures as aids so that a child can associate a picture with a meaning or a word. For example you may put their picture on their coat per and a picture of a coat above them. Children respond and understand picture writing rather then just the written word. Staff in the early years setting will also do reports on the children's development and what aspects they need to improve on. This is to accommodate their social, physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing and prepare them for school. The types of medical written information that you would get would be letters and reminders about appointments whether at your GP's clinic, medical centre or local hospitals. You may get test results or letters about your tests and the results. You may also get formal letters indicating a change of location. Every doctor has his patient's notes and information this is to see what illness and treatments that you have had in the past and whether you are allergic to anything. He keeps them as records nowadays stored on a computer so no matter where you are they can locate your files. As a patient you may get extra correspondence from your GP regarding any medical check ups that you need GP's and other health professionals use written communication to refer patients to one other service providers. Being an employee in any care setting you will come across people with hearing and visual impairments there are a number of ways to carry on or start communicating with your clients. Communication between hearing and deaf people is not always straight forward. Quite often the response of a hearing person is to either talk more loudly or over emphasise lip patterns, this will actually cause more difficulty. However the ability and awareness of how to communicate clearly can solve many day to day issues. Makaton is a type of system that uses speech, signs and symbols to help people with learning difficulties to communicate, and to develop their language skills. People that speak Makaton will use speech as well as body language they don't just silent sign. Makaton is a form of augmentative and alterative communication (AAC). Makaton is used with both children and adults who are unable to speak or whose speech is difficult to understand. Makaton is a key word signing system that aims to provide a basic means of communication and encourage language development. When using Makaton the key words will still be spoken as well as signed. If you have a client in your care it is bested advised to try and learn some of their preferred way of communication, although you will pick up some meanings. Braille is a type of communication that instead or words are raised marks that can be felt wit the fingers. This provides a type of written communication that can be used by people with limited or no sight. Braille is usually taught to those who are totally blind from youth. Moon is usually taught to people who loose their sight in later life. Both moon and Braille are raised symbols that correspond to the alphabet. British sign language is a visual/spatial language which is governed by its own grammatical rules using shapes, hand movements and facial expressions to convey meaning leading to successful communication. There are 9,000,000 deaf or hard of hearing people in the UK, with distinct differences in the way that they wish to communicate. Approximately 80,000 people sign language as their first language. Electrical aids have made communication much easier. Information displays on computer screens such as information kiosks ands bulletin boards are increasingly being used for public communication. Other then e-mails and telephone and the internet there are loads of other ways to communicate using modern technology. Technology can be made friendly and accessible to people that are blind or have low vision for example:- you have voice synthesisers can be installed to read out loud the text on the screen. There is also Braille and other tactile symbols can be embossed on the buttons used on the display. You can also get special scanners to convert text into a read out which is relayed to the user by voice synthesisers or convert the words on a printed page into very large sized text on the computer screen. Communication via computers has enabled society to be able to communicate efficiently, accurately and quickly. Within a hospital and emergency environment to communicate the correct information and quickly you need computerised communication. For example somebody comes into A+E with a suspected broken arm they get sent to the Department to have an x-ray. After taking the photos they send them back to A+E. this saves time and money. It is efficient and it is to the best of the patients as treatment can be administered more quickly. In effect it's taking care of their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is not the only benefit that computerised communication has, at the scene of an accident the paramedics will contact the hospital to let them know who is coming in and why their age and any other infomation that they have on them. This is to ensure that upon their arrival the correct treatment can be administered, Especially if it is a life threatening situation. Even though the need of speed may be vital they also have to be accurate, clear and understandable as its about somebodys care.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Dentist: Dentistry and Dental School

Dentists There are many different careers out there. Dentistry is a career that requires more training than others. There is a wide variety of different specialties that one can do in dentistry, but the majority of dentists are general practitioners. On average, general dentists in South Carolina make about $137,400 a year (Dentists). In order to become a dentist in South Carolina, you are required to graduate and attain a dentistry license. Dentists must be able to do different tasks throughout the day and work with many people.To become a dentist, one must attend dental school which usually takes four years beyond undergraduate college. You may graduate with a degree as a doctor of dental surgery or a doctor of dental medicine. The admittance requirements for dental school vary based on each school. Some of the more common requirements include: at least three or four years of college and at least a GPA of 3. 5 (Dental Schools Ranked by GPA). It is not mandatory to have a Bachelor o f Science degree, however, it is encouraged.Some dental schools require you to take certain science classes such as, chemistry (organic, inorganic and biochemistry), mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology. Before you apply to a dental school, you must pass the Dental Admission Test. The DAT measures your scientific knowledge, reading comprehension, and reasoning skills. After graduating from dental school, you have the option of specialty training. Specialty training is offered at many schools and normally takes about two more years beyond dental school. About one-fourth to one-third of new graduates enroll in postgraduate training programs to prepare for a dental specialty† (Henderson). Some dental school graduates start out working as associates for established dentists. They usually work for them for about a year or two while gaining experience. Others purchase or open up a practice immediately after graduation. Many aspiring dentists also receive additional experien ce by working in clinics affiliated with the school. Another way dental school students may receive experience would be through internship.While interning for a practice, they are able to get used to the physical demands and everyday tasks of a dentist. Dentists should be trained to offer a wide variety of professional services. They should be able to aid gum inflammation, tooth decay, chipped, infected or broken teeth. It is important for a dentist to be able to stand and keep their hand steady for a long period of time. They must â€Å"develop a gentle touch† for the comfort of their patient (Field). This gentle touch will also help them when they have to perform root canals, remove teeth, or corrective surgery on the gums.They should also be able to determine the difference between shades of color and brightness. Dentists are exposed to diseases and infections carried by patients on a daily basis. For this reason, it is important for them to wear protective gear when worki ng. I researched this career because I hope to become a Pediatric Dentist someday. I plan on going to college and majoring in psychology and biology and then going to dental school. My uncle is a dentist and has inspired me to become one. He is very successful and loves his job. Hopefully one day I can become successful and love my job just like my uncle.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflection about taking handover from the ambulance crew for the first Essay

Reflection about taking handover from the ambulance crew for the first time as a student nurse - Essay Example Reflections help nurses and other professionals meditate on their interactions with their colleagues, identifying any room for improvement hence, for better future performance while also at the same time enabling an individual assess the ways in which a situation can be handled much more effectively in the consequent days/ encounters (Koerner, 2011, 652). It is equally a chance to become more self-aware, self-directing and more in touch with their surroundings (Wilson, 2013, 997). The following is a clear and relatively easy to follow reflection about the first time I was placed in the accident and emergency unit for ambulance handovers. The events of the handover took place on the first day on which I was posted in the accident and emergency (A & E) unit. It was around 10 am when the emergency department got a phone call informing us of a flurry of patient arrivals. There had been a building collapse at a local construction site and since we were the closest medical facility in the vicinity, all of the victims would be rushed into our accident and emergency unit. After getting a rough estimate of the number of patients that were rescued from the site and coming in, the head of department divided the workforce in his department into various sub-units that would each deal with a particular patient and provide them with personalized care. Each unit then set up a chain of command and distinct roles assigned to each member. My primary function during the handover in my unit was to verify and complete the Patient Report Form (PRF) since we anticipated (rightly) that the patients would be rushed to the resuscitation room before the information from the ambulance team fully received. My mentor was the head of our unit. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, we were connected to video and radio feeds that gave vital updates and conditions of the patients, which I took down

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Online Journalism, Mass Media and Communication Essay

Online Journalism, Mass Media and Communication - Essay Example Most researchers and academicians assert that the internet communication is a superior way to attain competitive advantage in this century. This is critical since timely information facilitates accurate and timely decision making towards execution of valuable activities. It is imperative for institutions and various individuals to embrace technological advancement towards ensuring quality provision of information. This paper gives an insight about online journalism especially the web and blogsphere. 2.0 Web and blogsphere Journalists are bound, with professional ethics and obligation, to disseminate credible information based on factual elements. This is critical since information they make available facilitate progressive decision-making. Web 2.0 and blogosphere provides an online edited gathering of essay and information, which gives discursive and communicative facts (Mitchelstein & Boczkowski 2010). Consequently, blogs also exist together as connected community where various indi viduals publish various opinions for internalization globally with an example being the New York Times where blogs serve as communicative avenues. It is a concept, which currently is adoptable due to increased need for timely information touching on various issues. ... bility towards the provision of timely information based on factual events and matters cannot be challenged easily especially in the current century (Lowrey & Kim 2009). The world is presently a global village through technological enhanced services thereby rendering blogging venture reliable and relevant. Variably, journalist’s updates via the internet are fit and subject to regulation by international journalism standards, which ensure that value is achievable within the reported content of information (Deuze, Neuberger & Paulussen 2004). Evidently, internet communication has positively resulted to sound performance in various institutions; for example, it benefits businesses through customer retention, conversion, reach, and community integration. According to Frey (2011), it has the potential to leverage performance in the modern societies towards building strong information based capacities. Clearly, individuals require timely and valuable information to facilitate choice making on various matters like economic issues due to dynamic changes. It is stated that quality performance is reliant on the eminence of communication in various departments and sectors (Frey 2011). That is, timely provision of quality information facilitates superior decision making which in turn leads to excellence in various institutions. Consequently, blogging also expands ones network system and societal integration through adoption of best practices in life with an example being the political dispensation in US, which is often affected by blogs. According to Srisuwan (2008), technology is a key pillar towards developing sustainable communication networks thus institutions should ensure integration of technological activities for sound performance. Similarly, Morozov in his articles

Issues & Controversy with Public Policy Research Paper

Issues & Controversy with Public Policy - Research Paper Example In addition, the financial fines and penalties imposed by the US government in an attempt to persuade the uninsured people to change their status also pose serious challenges to low and middle income families. This paper will discuss the public policy issue of uninsured population in US and identify three policy initiatives that can address the issue. The term uninsured is commonly used to represent a person having no insurance coverage. According to Cropf (2008, p.323), the growing uninsured population in US was one of the primary concerns raised by the advocates of health care reform. A significant proportion of uninsured population in the United States has been a headache for the US policy makers for decades, and the introduction of the recent health care reform could not improve the situation notably. Multiple surveys indicate that the number of uninsured people has dropped due to the implementation of health changes resulting from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). According to a report published by the Commonwealth Fund in July 2014, an additional 9.5 million people aged 19-64 obtained access to health insurance, representing approximately 5 percent of the working-aged population. The United States Census Bureau reported that there were 48 million uninsured in the US (representing 15.4% of the populatio n) in 2012. Despite the falling rate of uninsured in US, one cannot say Obamacare (or PPACA) is a success in addressing the issue of uninsured in the country because of its higher costs. In spite of the claims of the Obamacare advocates that the new insurance coverage plans would cost less than the average cable bill or cell phone bill, a survey finds that roughly half the of the uninsured in the US say that Obamacare is too expensive. According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation study released in January 2015 (as cited in Hall, 2015), 48% of the uninsured Americans are of the opinion that they remain uninsured due to the high

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Exam Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam Skills - Essay Example If the teacher does not provide notes that are clear enough to understand, it is the student's responsibility to go and ask the teacher for clarification. Most reasonable teachers are happy to provide clarification for the student. Students must ask questions until everything is completely and one hundred percent clear. Once the student knows and understands what needs to be revised, he or she can then proceed to the next step in the process. The second part of the revision process is to go forth with the revision. The student should not rush through the process. He or she must look over the work carefully and take care to revise every mistake that is outlined. . Paying attention to detail is crucial in this step of the process because if the student misses anything, then the revision will prove to be ineffective. The third part of the revision process is to look over the work carefully another time. Just because the actual revising of the work is complete does not mean that the entire revision process is complete. To insure that the work is free of any sort of common mistakes, such as in the areas of grammar, mechanical, or spelling, it is important to run the work through a spellchecker. ... The spell checker will catch most common mistakes, making the work to be a masterpiece. While spell checkers are wonderful, innovative inventions that allow for the best results, but it will not pick up everything. Because this is the case, it is important for the student to look over the work again, being careful to spot anything that the spell checker may have missed. The student may also may want to have others look over the work to spot anything that the student his/herself did not see. Once this has been done, it is safe to say that the revision is complete. Now that the revision process is complete, it is safe to turn it into the teacher. The work will be of high quality, and the student will be able to look forward to scoring high marks on the assignment, since the student followed this revision strategy closely. The work is free of all errors. As result, the student can feel good about what he or she has accomplished. 3.1 Allocate a proportion of the time available that reflects the proportion of the total marks allocated to each question. When it comes to allocating the correct amount of time to answering questions, it is important to allocate enough time to effectively and efficiently answer each question. Doing this will insure that everything is done in a proper manner, meaning that sufficient time will be provided. This is critical, especially when doing tests or quizzes. When the proper amount of time is allocated to answering questions, everything goes well, and when the proper amount of time is not allocated, a disaster usually ensues. Allocating the proper amount of time to answer questions insures that everything will run smoothly. Properly time

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


ARTEMIS DESIGNER JEWELLERY AND GIFTS ASPIRATION TO BE FULLY ONLINE - Essay Example The business is family-owned and it is run by a mother and daughter team named Catherine Amesbury and Carrie Mullan. Artemis has a supply of various collections of gifts and jewellery for various occasions. Products available in the shop range from fashion handbags to hand crafted pottery to decorative lights to small token gifts to decorations and stylized soaps. Other supplies available in the business are silver jewellery, which customers choose and can customize to meet their taste. Also known as, the home of Catherine Amesbury Contemporary Jewellery, the business is a mixed model of both the traditional form of business and e-commerce. This means that the customer can either visit the shop physically or access the services of the business online. The customer can browse, request for modifications and buy products through an internet-enabled system on their website or visit their physical store and ask for the same services. Advantages of E-commerce over Traditional Business An E -commerce form of business can offer numerous advantages both to a business and to its customers1. The first advantage is that the costs involved in opening and running a fully online business are lower than the costs involved in starting and managing a traditional business. ... According to Goel (2012), one can sell his/her products at any time of the day with a single click of the mouse. As a result, more customers are likely to visit the website and make their purchases at the convenience of their time without having time constraint2. The other advantage of an online business over a traditional business is that the enterprise will command a larger market share because of being able to have a worldwide market. As Goel (2012) asserts, because of the internet, a business will have global visibility, which makes it network with other businesses and consumers of their products. This will increase its market share, in addition to augmented economies of scale3. A larger market share will mean more sales hence more profits to a business compared to the ones realized in a traditional business set up. According to Botha, Bothma, and Geldenhuys (2004), an online business is not limited by geographic barriers, which characterize brick and mortar businesses. Customers from any part of the world can access the products that a business has unlike in traditional businesses where only the customers at a given geographical zone can access it. Therefore, customers from all over the world will be able to see the company’s products increasing the customer base of the business. This will increase the overall sales made by the enterprise leading to larger profits. All that a customer needs to do is to search for companies that have a given product, and with proper use of Search Engine Optimization, the business will have many visitors adding unto the list of potential buyers from across the globe4. The cost and time used to process orders is significantly reduced with e-commerce because manual

Monday, September 23, 2019

Inventory System Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Inventory System Summary - Essay Example This paper aims to discuss periodic inventory systems and its advantages and disadvantages. A periodic inventory system is a system where data is entered after a specific duration of time (Wensing, 2011). It is here where the term periodic is derived. Data is updated after a specific period, in the inventory systems, unlike in perpetual inventory systems where data is entered as sales are made. Information for this system is not kept up to date. While information for the inventory is noted, total and permanent storage of this data is only entered once a year. Under this inventory system, the amount recorded, in the account for inventory, is not updated after sales of goods or services are made (Wensing, 2011). The inventory account is updated once or adjusted one time usually per annum. During the current year, the inventory will only show the previous year’s end cost of inventory. Under this system, service and merchandise purchase is made, in either one or more than one purchase accounts. There is closure of purchase accounts and adjustment of the inventory account to equal the services and merchandise that is, in hand at that time, at the end of the year. This system has no cost of goods or services sold account for updating after a sale (Wensing, 2011). Periodic inventories utilize simple modes of calculation, in order to maintain an account for inventory, in the general ledger (Wensing, 2011). Materials and services purchased are entered, in a purchase account. A single entry is made moving to COGS sold material, at the end of a period of accounting. A periodic inventory only requires the total purchases and total sales entered on a monthly basis. There is no need for inventory count accounting records since the maintenance of the inventory is done through the entry of journals, in the general ledger (Wensing, 2011). The only records that are kept physically are derived from the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Distinguished organization Essay Example for Free

Distinguished organization Essay I have just received your letter awarding me the prestigious Harrison Bankers Club scholarship for this year. I was overwhelmed by the feeling of achievement and happiness, but I must confess, my feeling of deep gratitude for you took better of me. It was the bright Monday morning when I was seriously pondering over my future plans while skimming through the pages of Business Times. Suddenly my eyes were arrested by an advertisement for grant of scholarships by your company. I immediately consulted my father who spoke very high of your organization. I sincerely acknowledge your efforts for taking time to process my application and the wonderful experience I had during the interview. I was impressed by the transparent, methodical and comprehensive procedure undertaken by you to identify the most deserving candidate. Your staff was courteous, friendly and cooperative. What touched me most was your inspiring conversation and intelligent questions you asked. The whole process was a rich learning experience to me. I feel honored and find myself short of words to express my grateful thoughts for your kind approval. Though few and far between, God has placed people like you to make the earth a beautiful place. Your decision will serve in a long way in promoting the cause of research work I have been always been interested in. It was my long cherished dream to contribute to the fast expanding study of biotechnology, but honestly speaking, the financials constraints held me back. Now I consider it my foremost priority to ensure by all means that my work adds further value to your distinguished organization. I again thank you for your favorable consideration and remain grateful ever for the scholarship to help me advance the studies.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ventilation and Fire Safety in Construction Projects

Ventilation and Fire Safety in Construction Projects TASK 1 Define the term â€Å"Building Services† A building which makes it safe and comfortable to be in under the title ‘Building Services’. The building also must do what it was designed to dony not just provide shelter but also be an enviroment for living, work and achieve. According to Roger Greeno (2000), services are the nerve system of a building. Discuss the needs to install the system for the services in a building. Component of Building Services that must be installed in a building, first, water, drainage and plumbing. Second, escalators and lifts for occupation used and energy supply for example electricity, gas and renewable sources. Identify and explain the component of building services applied into the building that you choose. The component of building services applied into the building that are: Water Drainage By applied the water drainage into the site and building for making the water more easier to move at one direction. Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. Many agricultural soils need drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies. Escalators An escalator is a moving staircase – a conveyor transport device for carrying people between floors of a building. The device consists of a motor-driven chain of individual, linked steps that move up or down on tracks, allowing the step treads to remain horizontal. Electricity Electricity is the set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electric charge. Electricity gives a wide variety of well-known effects, such as lightning, static electricity, electromagnetic induction and electrical current. In addition, electricity permits the creation and reception of electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. TASK 2 With the aid of diagram, explain the component of fire triangle. The blaze triangle or ignition triangle is a basic model for comprehension the vital elements for generally fires. Fuel In the event that fuel is evacuated, the blaze will starve and be quenched. With bushfires this is possible through various preemptive techniques, including endorsed blazing or physical evacuation of the fuel. Amid out of control bonfire concealment the evacuation of fuel is possible physically through the raking of flame line or the utilization of bulldozers to clear a blaze line. Air In the event that air is evacuated, the blaze will suffocate – in light of an absence of oxygen – and go out. The expulsion of air from a bushfire is very troublesome as flames are regularly huge and incorporate impressive territory. Heat The evacuation of high temperature or the cooling of a blaze is the most widely recognized manifestation of concealment. As a rule water is utilized to basically drench up the hotness produced by the flame. This hotness turns the water into steam, accordingly looting the flame of the high temperature utili Identify and explain the components of fire prevention control system that installed in the building that you choose. Component of fire prevention and control system that installed in the building that I choose are design of buildings, structure, fabric and components. The control system are hose reels, Hose reel system is intended for the occupant to use during the early stages of fire and comprises hose reel pumps,fire water tank,hose reels,pipe work and valves. The hose reel system generally serves as an initial fire fighting aid. When the hose reel is brought into use the pressure in the pipe immediately downstream of the pump check valves will drops below the field adjusted pressure setting of the pressure switch thereby trigerring the pump to comes into operation automatically to feed a steady supply of water to discharge through the hose. Fire fighting hose reel is the part which can be easily accessible. The fire hose reel outlets should be properly housed in glass fronted cabinet secured under lock and key. TASK 3 Explain the ventilation requirement for different types of space/room/accommodation. SPACE Considered the best arrangement of ventilation and for the most part in spaces where nature of administrations is the prime concern-consequently is not shabby. The air separated before circulated into space. Suitable for silver screens, departmental stores, healing centers, (esp. operation theaters) research facilities. ROOM These air is warmed before it is constrained into room. The air may be warmed midway and circulated utilizing channels to rooms or warmed independently. Usually utilized engine compartment room, work places and exceptional plants. Suitable for multi-story building. ACCOMMODATION Concentrate fans and channels used to guarantee the taint air is consistently evacuated. The room is then loaded with natural air from outside. Utilized as a part of research facilities, kitchen, gathering or multi-reason lobbies. In some space the operation of these fans are coordinated with different administrations, for example, lighting. Identify and explain the air-conditioning system that installed in lecture rooms. Split air conditioner have two main parts outdoor units and indoor units. The outdoor unit uses a compressor and air cooled condenser to provide cold refrigerant to a cooling coil in the indoor unit. A fan then blows air across the cooling coil and into the room. The indoor unit can either be ceiling mounted (cassette unit), floor mounted or duct type. Figure 1 Explain at least THREE (3) reasons why the type of air-conditioning system state in task 3 (a) is used. Part aeration and cooling system have two principle parts outside units and indoor units. The outside unit utilizes a compressor and air cooled condenser to give cool refrigerant to a cooling loop in the indoor unit. A fan then blows air over the cooling curl and into the room. The indoor unit can either be roof mounted (tape unit), floor mounted or pipe sort. TASK 4 Explain THREE (3) basic physical laws that need to be consider when designing or planning any water installation. Water is liable to the power or gravity and will think that it level. Second, to overcome grating inside the passing on funnels water which is put away before dispersion will require to be under weight and this is typically attained by putting away the water at a level over the level of the outlets. Finally, the vertical separation between these levels is typically called the head. Water gets to be less thick as its temperature is raised hence warm water will dependably dislodge colder water whether in a shut or open circuit. With the aid of diagram, discuss the differences between direct and indirect hot water system. Direct system – In an immediate framework, the water supply bolsters the heater and afterward the taps. Indirect system A roundabout high temp water framework is the place the evaporator warms water in an essential circuit coursing through a hotness exchanger curl in a boiling hot water chamber. Water in the taps goes through from the supply regularly with a header tank through the chamber and to the taps. The faucet water never experiences the heater. TASK 5 Explain the differences between electricity single phase and 3 phase supply. Single phase supply Electric force alludes to the appropriation of exchanging current electric force utilizing a framework as a part of which all the voltages of the supply shift as one. Single-stage dispersion is utilized when burdens are generally lighting and warming, with few huge electric engines. A solitary stage supply associated with an exchanging current electric engine does not deliver a rotating attractive field; single-stage engines require extra circuits for beginning, and such engines are unprecedented over 10 or 20 kw in evaluating. Three phase supply Electric force frameworks have no less than three conveyors convey substituting current voltages that are counterbalanced in time by one-third of the period. A three-stage framework may be orchestrated in delta or star (likewise meant as wye in a few regions). A wye framework permits the utilization of two separate voltages from each of the three stages, for example, a 230/400v framework which gives 230v between the unbiased (focus center) and any of the stages, and 400v over any two stages. With the aid of diagram, compare the arrangement between TWO (2) types of Power Circuit and discuss the IEE Regulations that need to comply when installing Power Circuit.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why Mrp Is Needed For A Organisation Information Technology Essay

Why Mrp Is Needed For A Organisation Information Technology Essay MRP is the acronym for Material Requirements Planning .It means planning or estimating the materials that are required to produce or devlope the end product based on the demand.It involves in production planning and inventory control system. MRP II is defined as Manufacturing Resouces Planning. Man Machinary Material are the three main resources which diminishes with the time and that are to be planned very effectively and efficently for productive outputs by any organisation or enterprise. This MRP II is the extension for MRP. To study in detail what is MRP and MRP II in Manufacturing industries and protrait its scope, advantages and its process in the industries. To identify the differences between MRP and MRP II and advantages of each modules. To identify companies that have implemeted MRP and MRP II sucessfully. How these businesses application had helped them in automating their business what are the issues that occur while implementing the MRP and MRP II To identify what type of companies and how many companies are sucessfully using these business appilcations. To identify the critical factors in the successful implementation of MRP, MRPII and ERP systems in manufacturing industries. Objectives: The objectives of the project are: To carry out a critical review of MRP, MRPII and ERP literature with a particular emphasis on the implementation of these systems. To know what are the ideal methodologies that should be followed to implement these MRP and MRP II at different enterprises. To gain the knowledge of different modules in MRP and MRP II. To study and understand how these submodules interact with each other during the business process. To gain knowledge about the other business appilications which are more in use and advantageous when compared to MRP and MRP II. Choose a suitable methodology for consulting businesses on their implementation of MRP, MRPII or ERP Obtain the views of business / company leaders on the factors influencing the successful implementation of MRP, MRPII or ERP. Consolidate practice based experience with literature based advice to create a lessons learnt list or top tips for the implementation of MRP, MRPII or ERP and the differences between these three systems. Write up dissertation. Research questions : Selecting and sucessfully Implementing a new manufacturing planning system is very important a management task in an enterprise for productive outputs and for for reaching objectives and targets of the entrprise.Some of the check list questionire that needed to be dicussed while going for implementing MRP and MRP II. What kind of Enterprise is it what are its products and Business Process. What are the reasons for selecting MRP and MRP II as a solution for their business. What are its requirements? What they are expecting form MRP and MRP II ? What level of automating they need through MRP and MRP II? What are the problems at their facility? What level of integration they are looking at ? They need lisenced Application or Free ware Application(Based on this the cost and time are estimated.) Had they ever implmented an Business Appliaction before ? What are the problems they are facing with the existing business application? How is the data and orders,information regarding different things to be maintained in the appliaction? What kind of reports and how many reports that are needed to be generated ? List Of Companies Using MRP and MRP II : Software Arts Inc. PEDYN Wrigley TOYOTA ABB IOR Shell St.Jude Medical Pall Fujji filim Wesco distribution Raymedica Global Helicopter Technology Inc. MOTOROLA Simmens HP Compaq ALTA Manufacturing EMS Symyx Material Requirements Planning -(MRP): MRP is the acronym for Material Requirements Planning .It means planning or estimating the materials that are required to produce or devlope the end product based on the demand.It involves in production planning and inventory control system. The main Idea or focus of the MRP system is to integrate all the business information systems of a ogrganization so that it would help in increase in productivity. This plays a very important role in managing manufaturing process.Joseph Orlicky made a detail study about the TOYOTA Manufacturing Program and designed Material Requirements Planning (MRP).It was sucessfully implemented intially in 150 companies, Later this number had raised to about 8,000 by 1988[2].Even very small manufacturing companies can implement this MRP Very sucessfully. MRP can be veiwed as a planning tool designed specifically to assembly operations. The main aim of MRP is to allow each manufacturing unit to forecast its supplier what parts it requires and when it requires them. The material supplier may be within the Organisation or an outside supplier. When combined with MRP II it is probably the most popularly used planning and scheduling tool.MRP was created to handle effeciently the issue dependent demand'[2]; Undersatnding or calculating how many of a particular component is required to produce the products or end goods.Advances in Information Technology and computer hardware made the calculation possible.An MRP system is designed or expected to meet three objectives: To Esitimate correctly the materials needed to produce the finished products and are delivered to the customer at right time. Maintain the lowest possible level of inventory. Plan manufacturing activities according to the demand or orders raised, delivery issues and schedules, procurement activities. The primary function of MRP system is inventory control, bill of material-B.O.M processing and elementary scheduling. MRP is mainly used to maintain low inventory level in an organisation. It is used to schedule and organize manufacturing, procurement and delivering activities.The MRP System is used beacause to maintain order entry in to a organization.Once a Order Entry is made then all other departments which are related to that order and manufacturing departments are activated and are put in to action like Inventory control,Bill of Materials(BOM),purchasing department,Manufacturing department,invoicing and shipping department etc. Functionalities of MRP Include: Demand Forecasting[4] Order Planning ,Controlling[4] BOM-Bill of Materials[4] Inventory Controlling[4] Priority Planning and Control[4] Planning Capacity Requirement and Development of Broad Business Plans[4] Fig1: Various Functions that MRP deals [4] Why MRP is needed for a Organisation: Companies need to utilize their resources and plan their resources very well in very efficnetly sothat they always meet the demand of the customers with out fail because loosing a customer for a company is permanent loss so they have to be well organized to avoid failures in planning the manufacturing of the products according to the demand.and also the organisations have a very big issue in order to produce the finished goods like procuring the suitable raw materilas from correct and reliable vendors.Organisations or Entereprises have to plan which products are to be produced and in what quantities and they should be in a position to forecast that they are able to meet current and future demand of the customerand that too it should manufacture the goods at lowestr possible cost. If any organisation is making any bad decision at any level then they would lose moneyreulting a failure in strategic business planning. Some of the examples are quoted below: If a company procures wrong materials and quantities from a wrong vendor then they would fail to meet the client requirements and eventually fail to deliver the products or goods at the agreed date. If a company fails to predict or plan correctly like quantities required to be purchased like purchasing more or execessive quanties where a less qunatity is required for production then its a waste and remains as stock in warehouses and may never even be used at alland its a waste of money as a unecassary procurement is done. However, some purchased items will be of minimum quantity than the required quantity therefore, procurement of excess quantity is necessary. Starting the production of an order with out proper planning and intergation and coordiantion with other departments in a organisations could end up in not meeting the customers deadlines or demand. So for this reason a organisation or a enterprise requires a well tightly intergated tool that could interact with all departments to carry out the business in a profit making way. MRP is a tool which primarily focuses to provide answers for several questions and also to deal with problems like:[1] What items are required?[1] How many are required?[1] When are they required?[1] Issues with MRP systems : Data Integrity: Data integrity is the major Issue faced by the MRP Systems and MRP Customers. If any mistake or errors done while configuring the master data like inventory data or BOM(Bill of materials) data then the expected output data will also be incorrect.Most number of customers who are implemeting these system are expecting data interigty for more better results. Time Prediction: This Time Prediction is also a major issue faced by the MRP System or the Mrp customers because here the user have to specify the time needed to manufacture a end product or finished good from the procured induvidual parts .But Unfortunatley the sytem everytime assumes this Lead time is same for every product or good that are manufatured in that orgaisation or manufacturing unit irespective of the Quantiy of finished good that is to be manufactured and avilabiltiy of machines and manpower etc. available. InterCommunication Issue: This is also an another issue faced by the faced by the MRP System or the Mrp customers.If the customers organizations or factories or warehouses are located at located at different geographical locations and intercommunication is not posible between them .An Ideal ERP or MRP application should overcome this issue by able to communicate between differnet warehouses factories for distributing goods,products based on the demand of the customer for the goods. Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) : MRP can be expanded as Manufactuing Resource planning which means planning the resources of a manufacturing company in a effective way and efficient way in persepective of time for getting maxium profits.This can overcome the or it can be veiwed as a extension of MRP. This is software application which is developed by many skilled people and integrated with a dedicated data base accuracy. This is an application which is used by the prganisations for productive and well utilization of human resources.MRP II is not a free software system or a open source software system.Thus this MRP II application appears in different formats or structures depending on the clients business requirements .Genrally these MRP II applications are purchased form other MRP devloping companies in the form of licenses or it can be a in-house software devlopment. Every MRP II system is devloped with different modules because as it is known differnet business s have different kinds of requirement and solutions, so the modules in MRP II system will be different. MRP II system have the following basic modules: Master Production Schedule (MPS)[3] Item Master Data (Technical Data) [3] Bill Of Materials (BOM) (Technical Data)[3] Production Resources Data (Manufacturing Technical Data) [3] Inventories and Orders (Inventory Control) [3] Purchasing Management[3] Material Requirements Planning (MRP)[3] Shop Floor Control (SFC) [3] Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)[3] Standard Costing (Cost Control) [3] Cost Reporting / Management (Cost Control)[3] All the above listed modules and with few other auxilary modules are tightly integarted together so that they can intercommunicate very well and work on same data and exchange information,and that would be a ideal model for any MRP II application and this kind of ideal ,good MRP II application enables the manufacturing enterprise to operate in a objective way. This MRP II application is completely different from Point-of solution approach which is operated through induvidual systems and this MRP II application is fully integrated and fully interfaced application. Which enables the user to interact with application more friendly.Many manufacturing industries have implemented MRP II systems sucessfully. Different Industries have different requirements like few of them need specific functions like lot traceability,Man Power Management etc. Fig: Different modules in MRP II System[4]. Advantages of using MRP II systems : Inventory Control. [3] Scheduling [3] Productive relationships with suppliers[3] Improved design control[3] Quality control [3] Reduced capital for inventory [3] Improved cash flow through quicker deliveries [3] MRP II Issues Ideally MRP II should have overcome the MRP problems or drawbacks. Unfortunately in MRP II most of software implementers or consultants failed to understand master scheduling.So they failed in implementing modules like master scheduling and capacity planning correctly making the new MRP II application also look like old MRP application. Inaccurate data: To Control the business or to run the business in a successful profitable way the data that is entered or the records that are present in the inventory module or BOM-Bill of materilas etc.,should be very accurate. But these MRP II software packages failed to understand the needs and business requirements which became a challenge to MRP II implementors to properly map the packages to the this made the data or records entering in to the modules inaccurate. Time Facctor: MRP II implemetation takes long time to implment on a average a MRP II implementation takes 18-24 months of time for implmentation. Requiremnet for technical man power and machinary: This MRP II needed huge number of technical consultants and business people and machinary for its implementation[4]. Helped only manufactring companies: It confiend its benifts or results only to manufacturing process organisations and failed to extend its benefits to other modules or other sectors.[4] It Could not effect other modules like quality management and other management issues[4] Comparission between MRP and MRPII Systems: Both MRP and MRPII systems are business applications which is used to integrate the different functionalites in a business process and provide business information when required from a central and dedicatd database. MRP is deals with manufacturing materials while MRPII deals with the coordination of the entire manufacturing production and it also includes materials, finance, and human relations[3]. The goal of MRPII is to provide accurate data [3]. MRP takes the input from sales and marketing and then it forecast and determine the raw materials demand and required for manufactuirng. Both MRP and MRPII systems depends on a Master Production Schedule. MRP deals with the coordination of raw materials procurement while MRPII involoves in the development of a detailed production schedule taking in to account machine and labor capacity, scheduling the production or manufacturing according to the arrival of materials in the inventory. An MRPII provide Data about the cost of production, including machine time, labor time and materials used, as well as final production numbers[3]. Allocating resources is the major advantage or devlopement of MRP II system from MRP system. Enterprise Resources Planning :(ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning can be defined as or it can be understood as well planning of all the tangible resources or preishable assests of a company in a effective and efficient way with respect to time .Here the the resources are mainly 1.Man 2.Machinary 3.Money 4.Material These are well planned and well utilized in a enterprise .An ERPs true ambition is to integrate all the modules across the compnay on to a single unit that can serve all the those deparment needs. It is a business appliction which should facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders[5]. This ERP application has a centralized database with a platfrom independence or sometimes platfrom dependent and some programming language. ERP systems consolidate all business operations into a uniform and enterprise wide system environment[5].These ERP systems used to come on sigle server environment which used to be a limitation but now a days all ERP sytems are opting for client-server architechture.There are 2-tier architechtures, 3-tier architechtures among these 3 tier architechture is the best suitable for ERP Systems. Every Compnay or organisation look for ERP because it increases profits,reduces human work and provides secured and accurate data helps in expanding their business in different countires as these ERP applications deals with multi currency also and helps so work becomes simple and easy and business will improve and can make profits if they are sucessful in implementing ERP application to their business process. Every company grows in to big organisation or enterprise and departments, functionalities also increses or grows depending on their requirment so ultimatley data and paper work in each department increases considerably.So the organisations started looking for a software application that could automate all the business process and tightly integrate all the functionalites in that particular organisationand have a smooth flow of data, so thus came the need of ERP. Ideally an ERP application should have the charecteristics like : 1.All the data and application should reside on a single database. 2.Entire application when accesed by different users at at different geographical locations should same look and feel. 3.It should work like a real time application. 4.A user should be capable of accessing anyh information or data at any time from any location. 5.It should be accurate and capable of generating reports for a business application. Enterprise resource planning came as a extension of MRP and MRP II .The MRP II drawbacks were completely fullfilled by ERP applications .ERP was dominently sucessful in capacity planning The term Enterprise resource planning originally derived from manufacturing resource planning and breeching its effect in to other modules like quality control,inventory control , warehouse management ,logistics,finance and control,sales,distribution,human resource and payroll management.Thus ERP is very sucessful in processing or automating a business applicatoins.ERP sytems became more demanding when they became capable of dealing with customers directly through a functionality called CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and by entering in to a days these ERP applicatins are both desktop application and web based application.Every ERP application is cutomized based on the cutomer requirements so that the ERP application look as though it is the software devloped only for that business requiremnet. fig:Different funtionalites of a MRP application [5] the above shown are the different funtionalites and module that are ideally coverd in a ERP application. Generally when organisations think of implemeting the ERP application for their business application they can either go for a in house production or buy from other vendors who implement ERP application for their business process or they even can opt for third party vendors who study their businees process and implement the customized ERP application for their organization.There are many ERP vendors in the market and to name a few these are the dominant ERP Implementing players SAP Oracle Peoplesoft IBM JDEdwards Ramco Bann CA Wings SSA GEAC JBA Among the above listed ERP companies SAP AGs ERP called SAP is the well known ERP. Many third party vendors are there in the market who are implemeting SAP to the enterprises or organisations who need a ERP applicaton.SAP is so famous because it is easy to implement and all the modules are tightly integrated and their success rate is also considerably good when compared to other ERPs.Recent studies show that markert share of each ERP application ,SAP at 51%, People soft 12%, J.D. Edwards 8% and BAAN 5%. So by these statistics we can confirm that SAPERP is well used and opted ERP in the current business world.SAP ERP is so famous when compared to ther Companies ERP because all other ERP applications provide only single functionality but SAP Provides all functionalites like sales and distibution ,Customer relationship management,Supply chain mangment,Business inteligence,Fianace and control ,Material management,human Capital management etc.ERP application main intention is to increase profits ,improve business ,expand business, to easily access the information of one department by other department ,help to reduce operating cost,make day to day managmet more easy,easy decision making,increase in productivity . So every organisation should have its own ERP application implemented in its organisation to compete in the current business make them to easily with other MNCs present at different geographical locations. fig:Market shares of each ERP application[8] Advantages of ERP application: Integrate all the functional areas together[5] The capability to streamline different organizational processes and workflows[5] The ease of communication of information across various departments[5] Improved efficiency, performance and productivity levels[5] Enhanced tracking and forecasting [5] Improved customer service and satisfaction[5] some ERPs are open source so reduce cost. Disadvantage of ERP Application: Level of customization is limited. Highly expensive systems to implement Limited technical support long time taking process to implment. Effective Methods Of Implmetation Learnt through case studies: These ERP applications should be implemented by following some ideal methodologies for implementation other wise the implementation could fail there are many cases for ERP Implentation failure.All the companies who are implemnting the ERP applicatin to automate their business process were sucessful there are many failures.As implementing a ERP application for a company is a very complex process and it involved huge budget and long time as the specifications and requirements used to change. ERP implementation gets failed due to the follwing reasons: Failing to analyze the business process correctly. Improper collection of clients or customer requiremnts. Lack of technical consultants. Failure in the data migration Wrong configuration of master data. Lack of knowledge of the newly implemented system in the organisation among employees. Failure in gerating required reports. Failure in analyzing time and money required. Successful If a ERP implementation is sucessfully implmented in a company mot only helps theorganisation by reducing waste costs but also it helps its customers as they can purchase the products of the company at a low price eventually rising sales and making good profits.They also because they share the data of the production line in real time[10]. So for a sucessful implementation the following methodologies should be followed.These are ideal methodologies one should follow when they are implmenting ERP orMRP or MPR II application for any kind of compnay. An Effective Implementation have the follwing modules: Project preparation[11] Solution definition[11] Devlopment Business Process Analysis Realization Testing QA Production Final preparation[11] Project preparation: Project goals and objectives[11]: Undestanding goals and objectives of the project and getting a clear picture about the project. Roles and key focus[11] : Identifying the roles and reponsibilites for the project and assainging the tasks according to the roles.Identifying core team members,repoerting authority and documentation team it also includes identifying Steering Committee, Project Management team, Consultants team, Technical and Security management teams. Determining the implementation strategy[11] : Plannig the implemneting strategy like how to implement the project and how to run the project according to the dead lines and defining the deliverables for each team,preparing road maps for the project and preparing blue print for the implemetation.Determinig how many locations are present for the compnay and what level of the automation required for which departments and what software and hardware required. Developing a project budget[11]: This is the main and very important stage for any ERP or MRP or MRPII implmentation because any mistake or worng assement could utterly result in failure of planning for the project and determing the correct budget required to implement the application sucessfully budgeting involves like cost required to procure resources that are useful for the accomplihmnet of the project and cost of the human resources getting involved in the project. Planning the budget required for implementation includes the cost of Labor , Training, Facilities ,Project support costs Determining the technical requirements[11]: Making a study on technical requirements required for implmeting the application sucessfully.Performaning the GAP Analysis and matching it with the application to checek how far the customization required and how well the application suits the business process.Identify and prepare infrastructure facilites selecting a pool of technically dominant consultants as a team and making them to study the pros and cons of the project. 4.3 Solution development and realization[11] Project team training[11]: This involves the training for all employess and for getting good knowledge about the on going implmetation and it helps the team members and any new members in the project which helps to implement the project at right time with out any dealy. This is very important because it helps to implement the application as according to the blue print defined. Conversion and interfaces[11] : Conversion and interfaces are very important for every project. But generally these Conversion and interfaces are not given importance and attention from the project management, because of lack of necessary IT knowledge.conversion and interface of a project is necessary and it should it be in line with the main project and it should be controlled by the project manager[11]. Final configuration[11]: This is very important phase the final configuration represent a repetetive process that coordinates the configuration with your business processes and business requirements[11]. Testing QA Unit Test[11] : This testing is done by the programmer or devloper itself to evaluate the programs or transaction for errors. This test is done intially at configuration level it is mainly tested for program and module functionality.Whether the business requirements are fulfilled or not whether they are working in the expected way. Final integration test[11] This test is done when all the modules are integarted and tests are done whether these are working in the expected manner fullfilling the business requirments.This test is done by the expert testing team while integration and even after integration like verifying workflows , business logics and other functinlities. Prototyping and Production[11]: In this phase a test system with fully intergated and devloped appliaction is made ready for working .Ideally at this stage all the funtionlaites and modules should work correctly as per the business requirments and it should be demonstrated to the users with data flows across each module.Once the protype of the business application is sucessful and if the customer is satisfied then the final phase of the implmentation takes place in which cutover plans take place and go-live date is planned and fixed. Final preparation[11] User manual and support[11] Preparing user mannuals powerpoint presentations about each modules and funtionalites for the customers or users to get good knowledge of the implmented ERP or MRP or MRPII application. End user training[11] Providing training for the user in the organisation or company for effective using of the application because if the end user fail to gain knowledge about how to use and how to work with the application it results in failure of the implmnetataion. System management and system test[11] In this the application is tested for smmoth running of the appliaction with extra loading of data and extra stress on the database and application like simultainous logging of many user at a time etc. it also includes failure scenarios test,application admistration tests,backup and restore procedure test [11] etc. Cut-over plan[11] In this the all final approval and validations should be comleted and all the manual work and transcations of the company have to stopped as after the apporval of cutover plan they start configuring the appliation to automate the business process. Going live check[11] In this the manual data entries should be completed before cutover. and going live date is decided based on the following factors : proper end user traning is done and completed. R/3 system administration is ready[11]. Stress test on application and database and desaster recovery tests are sucessfully completed . Conversions and business processed in the production system have been checked [11]. quality check and testing is completed. Data transfer[11] Data transfer is a very important phase in the total implmetation because man times there arise a issue of wrong configration that is configuring one module data to the other module. This is a time consuming process so a due consideration is given and a good amount of time is t

Thursday, September 19, 2019

rose for emily Essay -- essays research papers

Almost everyone laments how the world has changed since they were young, how everything is now faster, more complicated, and less friendly. In William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," Miss Emily sees the world change in many different ways, and yet stays the same. In her case, the world she grew up in literally is gone, and she does not posses the skills to change along with it. She is a woman lost in time, with no real place among society, especially not a society who places her on a pedestal, enabling her many questionable actions. The factors of her life and the stigmas placed upon her due to those factors yield to her no choice but the actions which she chose. Miss Emily's generation grew up in a time when women were expected to get married, have children, and take care of the house. For someone of her status, this would have been the epitome of her adult life. She would be the mistress of a household, leading a life of entertaining and quiet leadership. Miss Emily, however, never married. Her father had never accepted her suitors, meeting them at the door "clutching a horsewhip." He selfishly kept her single all those years, which must have caused immense embarrassment to a woman from her era, whose whole life should have led up to her marriage. She seldom left her house after her father died, further mystifying herself to the town who watched her life from behind their lace curtains. The Civil War came and went, and Miss Emily still lived in that same house "set on what had once been [the] most select street," "lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps." Miss Emily had once belonged to the most select class, and still stubbornly maintained the image, even though she and her entire town knew the truth to be otherwise. She remained a stubborn product of her times, keeping a manservant who most likely had been with her since he had been a slave, and had stayed out of loyalty to her. She continually refused progress, not allowing them to "fasten the metal numbers above her door and attach a mailbox to it" when the town finally got postal service. Time continued ticking on, and yet Miss Emily refused to acknowledge it. She firmly entrenched herself in denial when her father died, telling the townspeople... ...onument to her town even though they believe that "she was [a] fallen" woman. "She held her head high enough†¦it was as if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity." All her life she had been denied happiness, and now she has found it. Unfortunately, this love was doomed to fail. There are too many traditions, customs, and prejudices engrained in Emily, her town, her family, and her love. Homer will not marry her. However, she has finally found love and happiness, and Miss Emily is above the law. So she poisons Homer Barron and keeps him in a room upstairs. She sleeps with him every night, his body arranged in the "attitude of an embrace," clinging to the idea of a "marriage" that she never had. She is a sad, lonely woman, and if she cannot have this one last chance at happiness, then she will keep it by force. Throughout her life the town she lived in has been her "enabler," allowing her to continue in her unhealthy habits; Emily has no reason to think that what she has done is wrong. She is simply preserving what is rightfully hers; she is holding on to some semblance of happiness that has always been denied her.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Down Syndrome Essays -- essays research papers

Down Syndrome   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever been in a situation where you were confronted by a child who has Down Syndrome and were unsure of how to act around that child? I'm sure many of us have experienced the awkwardness that accompanies such a situation. Many people feel guilt or pity for these children, I believe these reactions result from a lack of knowledge about the condition. Which is why I have chosen this topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Down Syndrome is a condition that cannot be physically passed on from one person to the next. It is a genetic disorder that is inherited through our parents when something goes wrong during pregnancy. As a result, they have a combination of features typical of Down Syndrome, including some degree of cognitive disability, as well as other developmental delays. One thing we should always keep in mind is that they are children and having Down Syndrome comes second.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1866 British doctor John Langdon Down defined and described the characteristic symptoms of Down Syndrome but was unsure of the cause. It wasn't until 1959 that Dr. Lejeunne and his team in Paris showed that people with Down Syndrome have an additional chromosome. We normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes, each made up of genes. The cells of people with Down Syndrome include three chromosome #21 instead of two. The extra 21st chromosome causes an extra dose of proteins. These proteins cause the typical features of Down Syndrome. While the fetus with Down Syndrome is developing, its body cells do not reproduce as fast as usual. That is the main reason why these babies are smaller than average after birth and their brain not as big as those of other newborn children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A child who has Down Syndrome will have exclusive individual characteristics which they have inherited from their parents. The child may resemble their father, mother, grandmother, or aunt. This is true not only for their outward appearance but also for their temperament and physical and intellectual abilities. Children with Down Syndrome have different traits, for instance some can be easy-going while other are stubborn, some may like music while others show no interest. matter what, each of these children are unique and special in their own way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children with Down Syndrome have distinct physical characteristics. They are short in stature and have a small, round face with a high flattened ... ...y studies I have found Down Syndrome to be a rare, yet present condition that can be found in all parts of the world. Most people might look at the individual infected and tell themselves how lucky they are , not to have to go through what most of them do. But tell me this, how many will actually take the time to better understand the situation and actually see what makes them who they are? It's human nature to ignore or criticize the unknown, this will always be true to a certain point. Just as the truth will always remain the same, in that these people are beautiful human beings that deserve the same respect and rights as anyone else. Works Cited Down Syndrome Awareness Foundation. ?Facts About Down Syndrome? 27 July, 2007. Hudler, Rex & Jennifer. ?About Down Syndrome? Team Up For Down Syndrome. 27 July, 2007. Van Riper, Marcia. ?Living with Down Syndrome: The Family Experience.? Down Syndrome Quarterly. Volume 4, Number 1 March 2005. Works, Lee. ?Diagnosis Down Syndrome? 1 July, 2002. Down Syndrome Essays -- essays research papers Down Syndrome   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Have you ever been in a situation where you were confronted by a child who has Down Syndrome and were unsure of how to act around that child? I'm sure many of us have experienced the awkwardness that accompanies such a situation. Many people feel guilt or pity for these children, I believe these reactions result from a lack of knowledge about the condition. Which is why I have chosen this topic.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Down Syndrome is a condition that cannot be physically passed on from one person to the next. It is a genetic disorder that is inherited through our parents when something goes wrong during pregnancy. As a result, they have a combination of features typical of Down Syndrome, including some degree of cognitive disability, as well as other developmental delays. One thing we should always keep in mind is that they are children and having Down Syndrome comes second.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1866 British doctor John Langdon Down defined and described the characteristic symptoms of Down Syndrome but was unsure of the cause. It wasn't until 1959 that Dr. Lejeunne and his team in Paris showed that people with Down Syndrome have an additional chromosome. We normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes, each made up of genes. The cells of people with Down Syndrome include three chromosome #21 instead of two. The extra 21st chromosome causes an extra dose of proteins. These proteins cause the typical features of Down Syndrome. While the fetus with Down Syndrome is developing, its body cells do not reproduce as fast as usual. That is the main reason why these babies are smaller than average after birth and their brain not as big as those of other newborn children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A child who has Down Syndrome will have exclusive individual characteristics which they have inherited from their parents. The child may resemble their father, mother, grandmother, or aunt. This is true not only for their outward appearance but also for their temperament and physical and intellectual abilities. Children with Down Syndrome have different traits, for instance some can be easy-going while other are stubborn, some may like music while others show no interest. matter what, each of these children are unique and special in their own way.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children with Down Syndrome have distinct physical characteristics. They are short in stature and have a small, round face with a high flattened ... ...y studies I have found Down Syndrome to be a rare, yet present condition that can be found in all parts of the world. Most people might look at the individual infected and tell themselves how lucky they are , not to have to go through what most of them do. But tell me this, how many will actually take the time to better understand the situation and actually see what makes them who they are? It's human nature to ignore or criticize the unknown, this will always be true to a certain point. Just as the truth will always remain the same, in that these people are beautiful human beings that deserve the same respect and rights as anyone else. Works Cited Down Syndrome Awareness Foundation. ?Facts About Down Syndrome? 27 July, 2007. Hudler, Rex & Jennifer. ?About Down Syndrome? Team Up For Down Syndrome. 27 July, 2007. Van Riper, Marcia. ?Living with Down Syndrome: The Family Experience.? Down Syndrome Quarterly. Volume 4, Number 1 March 2005. Works, Lee. ?Diagnosis Down Syndrome? 1 July, 2002.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Equal Opportunity, written by Walter Mosely Essay

In this short story, Equal Opportunity, written by Walter Mosely, Socrates Furtlow, an ex-convict, faces the dilemma of getting a job. Socrates served 27 years in prison after killing two of his friends while drunken. Furtlow was now living life as a bumb who went around selling old bottles and cans to make a living. This story tells his struggle to find honorable work as a black man in society because of his background. He ended up lying on his application because he was afraid of what people might think. Although there was discrimination and disrespect not being completely honest with people may come back to haunt you later. A 58 year-old man who hadn’t worked in 37 years would have a hard time finding a job as it is the fact that Socrates was an African American didn’t make anything easier. Socrates assumed places of business in his home neighborhood, knowing his background, wouldn’t even think of hiring him. So Socrates traveled approximately 14 miles and 3 bus transfers from his apartment in Watts, to a Bounty Supermarket to try and get a job. He had been practicing for a week on how he would ask for his job application. Though he was a murderer and not a thief, as he entered the store, he wondered what the workers would think if they knew of his prison background. The assistant manager, Anton a young white man came up to Socrates and asked if could help him. Socrates felt as though he was being miss treated from the get go. After Socrates asked for â€Å"an application† Anton played dumb acting as though he didn’t understand what kind of application he was asking for. Once Socrates made it clear he was there for a â€Å"job application† Anton had yet another insulting question, â€Å"Uh. How old are you, sir?† (p. 2626) Being a man of imprisonment of twenty-seven years, Socrates knew his rights and knew that it was unlawful to discriminate against someone by their age or race. Anton continued to say that they didn’t have any openings at the time and made it clear that he wasn’t going to get an application. Socrates also made it clear that he wasn’t going to be turned away so easily. â€Å"I know what you said. But first you looked at my chothes and at my bald head. First yo’ eyes said that this is some kinda old hobo and what do he want here when it ain’t bottle redemption time.† (Gates and McKay p. 2626) Everyone should have an equal opportunity in getting a job and at least a fair chance with an application. After Socrates and Anton discussed their  rights and the law the assistant manager went to the main office to fetch and application. The elevated office looked over all the checkout counters and where Socrates stood waiting. Socrates was then center of attention to all the bag boys and checkers as they all knew their boss, Anton was unhappy. Anton and an older white woman exchanged a few words then she handed him the application and he stormed back down to Socrates. Rudely handing him the app Anton was about to go on with his day but Socrates wanted a pencil to fill it out and give it back. He had come a long way to turn in an application not just receive a sheet of paper and wasn’t leaving until he did so. Thirty minutes later Socrates stood at the foot of the stairs leading up to the main office with his almost completed application in hand. Nearly forty minutes passed and he knew they could see him and he could see them but he waited patiently, on the outside, though inside he was thinking of throwing a brick through the window. He had a few questions for the manager, Ms. Halley Grimes, when she finally came down to take the application but she rudely tried to brush my off as though she were too busy. She told him they would give him a call if it went through the main office and came back fine. He then told her he had no phone and it would be better if they wrote to him, but she unwilling to help in any way explained that without a phone she could do no more for him. He begged for her to just send it in anyway and he would find a way to be in touch. So for five consecutive days Socrates took three busses to the Bounty Supermarket to ask if they had heard from the head office. The woman started to worry and told Socrates again that because he hadn’t a phone he couldn’t work there and that he returned she would call the police. On the fifth day he showed up and two gentlemen from headquarters were there to speak with him. Socrates told his story and how he had been mistreated from day one and that he was told he couldn’t work if he didn’t have a phone. Socrates then explained that with no job he couldn’t afford a phone and with no phone he couldn’t get a job. That is probably the most adverse way of showing the meaning of â€Å"equal opportunity†. The two men explained why he would not be able to work at that location because Ms. Grimes was afraid of him, but that they may have a job in Santa Monica. Lying on an application is a crime in itself. Socrates didn’t fill in one question on his application know if they knew what he was he wouldn’t have a chance at a job. The two men noticed the  blank question and confronted Socrates. After all his talk about equal opportunity and the law, he lied and said it was just an honest mistake and that he was clean. So the two men gave him the job in Santa Monica and he would finally have a paycheck coming in, that is until the untold comes back to bite him in the rear. You can be fired just as fast as you were hired, or slow in his case, if you lie on an application. This story begins a series of confrontations (with violence lying just below the surface) that explore both the necessity and the irony of equal opportunity. Works cited Gates, Jr., and Nellie Y. McKay. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. 2nd. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004. Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Journey to the Center of the Earth Essay

Based on one graphic novel, write about an important lesson that you have learnt. An important lesson that I learnt from the graphic novel, Journey to the centre of the Earth is that we should never give up and have confidence in ourselves. Professor Lidenbrock felt very excited when he found the document about how to get to the centre of the earth. He wanted to learn about what lies beneath our feet. although getting to the centre of the earth was not going to be easy, he still went because he was a determined man. Although the journey was fraught with difficulties he never gave up because he had confidence in himself. In the end the journey was a success. Based on one graphic novel, write about a happy event. A happy event in the graphic novel of A Journey to the centre of the Earth is when the Professor, Axel and Hans managed to come out of the earth uninjured and alive. They could have easily when been hurt or died as they were only on a raft and were thrown out of an erupting volcano. They landed uninjured in Sicily which is 3,000 miles away from Iceland where they started their journey. It is a happy event as they had successfully journeyed to the centre to the earth and lived to tell the tale of their adventure. Based on one graphic novel, write about an event that you cannot forget in the novel. An event that I cannot forget is when Axel passed out because they had run out of water. Hans, their guide then left Axel and the Professor. When Axel woke up he looked for Hans. When he could not find Hans he thought that Hans had deserted them,. However an hour later Hans returned. He then told them that he found water. Axel was very grateful to him. This is an unforgettable incident because although Hans could have easily left them he did not. He was a good and responsible guide. Based on one graphic novel, write about a character you sympathise. The character that I sympathise is Axel Lidenbrock. He is Professor Otto Lidenbrock’s nephew. When the professor wanted to figure out what the runic symbol in the document by the famous explorer, Arne Saknussem meant he forced Axel to help him. He said both he and Axel will not eat or sleep until they find the meaning. Later when they find out that the document shows how to get to the centre of the earth the professor forces Axel to go with him. I think as an uncle, the professor is a bully and I sympathise with Axel because he is not given a choice by his uncle. Based on one graphic novel above, write weather you like or do not like the ending of the story. I did not like the ending because I think it is a bit ridicuious. The explorers think they are going to die because they are on a raft in a volcano and the temperature is steadily increasing. The water begins to boil and their raft rises and finally when the volcano erupts the explorers are thrown out of the volcano. They land in Sicily, a country 3,000 miles away from Iceland. I think if they were in a volcano that was going to erupt they would have died. Therefore I feel the ending is illogical and I did not like it. Based on one graphic novel above, write an interesting event. An interesting event in the graphic novel, Journey to the centre of the Earth is when the explorers are caught in an electrical storm. They were travelling in an underground sea on a raft made by Hans. Suddenly the raft was hit by an electrical storm. Axel nearly died but luckily he survived. The explorers landed on a beach. The compass showed that they were back where they started. However the professor did not give up and said it was time to travel across the dangerous sea again. I found the event interesting as it showed that the professor does not give up easily.